Monday, June 29, 2009

I just want to say thank you

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you for showing up. I know its been some time since we've had our last meeting and it was behind closed doors as was necessary. Mr. Soros, I thought now would be an appropriate time to give an assessment of the situation and convey my appreciation. Mr. treasurer, Tim I want to thank you and commend you on the way you've handled that nasty corporation scandal and affairs of General Motors and Chrysler. I think you did an exemplary job on the bailout and the stimulation package as well. I realize Mr. Barney Frank was in the background working side-by-side with you. Between the two of you, you managed to get control or least leverage on the banks and the mortgage industry, good job, well done. I do think the unions may become a problem later down the line however right now we have them mollified and they're happy with the situation because they are blind with greed. Nancy, Nancy, Nancy, you amaze me, every time I think the spotlight is about to swing onto me, you come up with some new diversion or stir up something in Congress and or in the news media. you totally and completely divert the attention of the public away from me and onto you and Congress, it's amazing I don't know how you do it. I thought the part when the news media captured you at that meeting with the illegal aliens telling them, it was un-American not to allow illegal aliens medical, dental, drivers licenses, and Social Security. It was really great and timely when once again you diverted attention from me and what I was upto,and onto yourself with that CIA fiasco, what was that all about anyway? did they really lie?or were you just having fun?. Joe you need to learn to clam up, you give too much away. Oh yes and Mr. Gibbs thank you so much, you have controlled the press releases in exactly the right manner. We now have almost total control of the media with the exception of Fox and the Washington Post. The Washington Post however is starting to swing our way since I quietly removed the chief editor.(that was almost as good as when I fired those CEO's, oh that was fun) OH yeah somebody needs to do something about Glenn Beck, he is starting to be a problem. Gibbs, see if you can handle that or at least censure him. also, another great bonus was that Republican Senator what's his name? You know the one that flew to Argentina so he could cheat on his wife? Anyway that's not important what is important was Gibbs arranged for the media to go into a feeding frenzy over this one senator cheating on his wife to divert attention away from the clean energy bill that was on the floor of the House. Of course you and I know this bill as a cap and trade bill. I was desperate to have attention diverted away from this vote I did not want all the people calling their congressmen and telling them don't vote for it. I just can't believe our luck, the day before this bill was to go in front of the house Michael Jackson passed away. It only took a little nudging from Gibbs (as we now have most of the control over the media) to turn this into a media frenzy. Even Fox failed to report on the cap and trade bill being passed. The whole news media much to my joy was entirely involved in the life and Times of Michael Jackson. OH this is great, Don't get me wrong, I'm very sad that he passed away but as Hillary said we need to make the most out of every bad situation and believe me I intend to make the most out of Michael Jackson passing away and totally diverting attention from the clean energy bill. Oh what a break. "Now let me be clear about this" please understand, we own General Motors, we own Chrysler, we have mostly control over the banks. With the passage of the clean energy bill we will have total control over people's heat over their lights and over their income and with the health bill we will be able to make people even more dependent our government. Stick with me and you'll see what I mean, Even as we speak acorn is gathering personal information from every person in this country(28 pages) that we will be able to use against them. Continuing though, I also want to thank homeland security, and the rest of you people that worked so hard to help us take over this country. I can honestly say I believe that the people of this country will be better off with a benevolent dictator such as myself who also has his appointed assistants or czars if you wish to be called that. We are the elite we know what's best for this country the general population does not. Do not look back, look forward, we have a great and growing partnership with China and together with China we can establish a world order in which we can rule the world.Once again I want to thank you for a job well done, even though the clean energy bill has passed, there is still a lot of work to be done in the takeover and conversion of this country but we are well on our way. Just think of this as a giant shell game with the need to divert attention to win. allright everybody, thank you, now let's get back to work and would somebody please find my prayer mat and show me which direction is East?"Obamas meeting"

nothing but the truth

If the last post didnt awaken you try this one How Obama's Undeniably Marxist Communist Policies Threaten America
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By Hal Licino

Here is the bottom line, right at the top of the Hub: Folks, we're in big trouble... President Obama is implementing policies that are directly, purely, and completely Communist and he is doing it with the apathetic nodding approval of the American people.
I could go off on an academic ideological harangue right now, quoting the luminaries of the Marxist-Leninist philosophies and frankly lose most of my readers by the third paragraph. Instead, I'm going to keep this Hub exquisitely simple and straightforward, in the belief that anyone should be able to grasp these basic tenets, regardless of their previous schooling or background in leftist doctrines.
So let's start discussing this in the simplest language I can muster.
Communism is bad, very very very bad, and every true American should be able to agree with this statement. The fall of the Berlin Wall was a great day for human liberties everywhere as the discredited and dysfunctional policies which had impoverished and enslaved almost two billion people for most of the 20th century were swept away from the nations which had so long suffered under Politburo tyranny.
America was always the stalwart protector of democracy, liberty and free enterprise, in direct opposition to the Communist powers.
What's happened lately? Vladimir Putin, the de facto ruler of Russia, the heart of the former Communist Soviet Union, has warned President Obama to not embrace leftist policies and to keep the markets free. Our new president has not listened to Putin. Instead, he listened to Karl Marx:
"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie; to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state."- Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto, 1848.
Although it seems completely impossible and incredible, President Obama's recent policy decisions are 100% in line with Marxist thought. Karl Marx believed that the workers should own the means of production, not the capitalists who provided the funding to build those means. That is basic Communism 101.
Without getting into arcane financial and legal minutae, let's (overly simply) discuss the basic essence of what President Obama has done in the case of Chrysler and soon to also do to General Motors: He told the legitimate creditors who have lent the automotive manufacturer billions of dollars secured on the real property and assets of the company to take a hike. They were "greedy" thus they got cut out. Not only were they prohibited to enforce their legitimate and legal rights to the tangible assets that their money purchased, but they were instructed that they would receive a mere fraction of their rights, and then only if they made it through bankruptcy court. The vast majority ownership of Chrysler would not go to the people who paid for it fair and square... no... it would now go to... the workers!
The auto union is now the owner of the majority of Chrysler shares. Why? Because Obama said so. Did they have a financial stake in the company? No, not to any great degree. They got majority ownership simply because they worked there. And because President Obama implemented his fervent Marxist belief that the workers should own the means of production, not the people who have every legal and legitimate right under the Constitution of the United States to those shares. Obama is simply waving away the statutory and lawful rights to the property of individuals and entities. Why? Because he is putting into force to the letter the philosophy of Karl Marx:
"...the middle-class owner of property: This person must indeed, be swept out of the way, and made impossible."
Americans, it is high time that you pull your heads from your nether regions and realize that what is happening with your tacit approval is nothing less than the wholesale immolation of the American Way. Your property rights have been eliminated by the President of the United States of America. With this precedent there is no further limitation from the government takeover of any business in America, indeed no property or asset of any kind, including your homes and personal chattel. Don't say it couldn't happen here. It's already happening: Just as it did in Russia in 1917 and China in 1949. Most of the Russians and Chinese of the time thought it couldn't happen there. Guess what? It did.
This is not just some abstract economic policy of the Democratic Party of the United States of America: This is the tearing up of the Constitution, the violation of everything that America traditionally stands for, and the slapping in the face of every great American in history from George Washington to Thomas Jefferson to Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The founding fathers of the United States of America crafted the foundation for our society entirely based on the concept that happiness of the individual is directly connected with the personal responsibility and liberty allowed by the government. The twin pillars of this superlative system they invented were strict limitations on the power of the Federal government and the incorruptible protection of individual personal and property rights.
What we are witnessing right before our eyes is nothing less than a Communist coup d'etat, albeit a voter sanctioned one. Just like the Venezuelan voters became aware that they had elected a Marxist into office only after Hugo Chavez took power and began to change the country into the Cuban mold, American voters went to the polls and elected a charismatic populist who they were not aware was an avowed Marxist until he held the levers of power and it was far too late.
To President Barack Hussein Obama, with all due respect to your political stature and the greatness of your office, I claim with full conviction that you purposely and with full premeditation misled the American voter into believing that you were not a Communist, and thus did not embrace beliefs which are inherently incompatible with the basic American system of legislation. The indisputable Marxist Leninist policies that you have implemented in your short term in office so far are illegal, unethical, improper, and to any definition of the term: treasonous. Although due to the currently extenuating circumstances, I cannot proceed to advocate prosecution for treason, I do strongly, irrevocably and directly advocate to the American people that they consider an immediate impeachment.
Before it's too late.
It may already be

wake up America

Top 7 Marxist Communist Policies Being Implemented By Obama Today100rate or flag this page
By Hal Licino

Throughout history Communist leaders have seized power by promoting themselves as populists, and often completely hiding their own ideology. Indeed in a poll taken after Communist Hugo Chavez' first election victory in Venezuela, only 3% of the electors believed Chavez to be a Socialist, let alone a Communist. Currently 32% of Americans believe Obama to be a Socialist.
The initial stages of Communization of a country invariably begin with seven basic steps:
Seizing Control Over The Free Flow Of The Nation's Money
Obama has stated that he wants to convert the stock the US government now owns in the nation's banks from preferred stock, which is the case currently, to common stock. This modification in type of stock may seem irrelevant at first glance, but under further analysis it is the single greatest communist policy the US government has ever adopted: It means that the federal government will control all of the currently publicly traded major banks and financial institutions in the nation which are currently in the hands of individual shareholders. Not only will the current shareholders' rights be trampled, but the control of the nation's flow of money is the first keystone of communism.
Stripping Capitalists Of Their Assets
According to US bankruptcy code, secured creditors such as the ones who have outstanding debt against Chrysler and GM, have to be paid before unsecured creditors. That is the law. Obama has ignored this law, and seized the vast majority (89% in GM's case) of all "asset value" of the automakers and taken direct control or given it away for free to the unions. Karl Marx's theses were all based on the workers owning the means of production, and thus communism takes hold in America.
Changing The Structures Of Government To Suit
Obama has given the GOP until October to approve his health care plan which many experts have shown, would be as socialized as Cuba's. If the Republican Party does not meet his demands, the Democratic Party will simply change the very rules of the United States Senate to pass their legislation through simple majority, instead of the 60% which has been required by the Senate through history. Changing legislation to suit the leader is another common tactic of communist leaders from Chavez to Castro.
Taking Advantage Of A Crisis To Impose Communism
Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel published a book entitled The Plan which would require (yes, require) young Americans regardless of their political stripe to serve in a direct copy of Hugo Chavez' red-beret local militias. The Plan also promotes massive taxpayer funded programs as universally free university tuition and health care as well as a tax reform to ensure that the middle and upper classes are crushed by the enormous new government expenditures. Obama has already admitted such a "soak anyone making over $250,000/year" punitive tax policy. Emanuel is famous for his quote "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste…(it’s) an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before," which is the prototypical process whereby communists seize power, witness Lenin, Mao, Castro, Tito, et al.
Controlling Higher Education
Obama has already launched legislation to remove private lenders from student loans which would now all be provided by the federal government directly, so that it could choose in a totalitarian manner who receives the loans and who doesn't. Many educational institutions are up in arms over this legislation as it essentially shifts admissions policy from the colleges and universities to the federal government. Control of higher education as in Obama's Pell Grant entitlement is an universal characteristic of communism to ensure that the young are properly ideologically indoctrinated.
Punishing Residential Property Owners
Obama's enormous mortgage bailout legislation is little more than a full blown entitlement program. The plan forces the 92 percent of responsible home owners to heavily subsidize the irresponsible "ARM-ATM" mortgage holders who didn't read their ARM mortgages and used their home equity like ATMs. These taxes would be so overwhelming that many of the "responsible" majority of mortgage holders could lose their homes. The punishment leading to the elimination of property owners in favor of the state is a fundamental tenet of Marxism, as Karl wrote "the middle-class owner of property: This person must indeed, be swept out of the way, and made impossible."
Demolishing The Economy To Replace It With State Control
Obama has:
Handicapped American multinationals by denying them tax deferral, placing them at an enormous competitive disadvantage against corporations based anywhere else.
Launched entitlement programs which punish innovation and dry up funds for entrepreneurial start ups.
Stopped the Treasury from implementing any real recovery plans, discouraging private capital flow into the financial sector.
Stated "we have to spread the wealth around, we have to redistribute the wealth of this country through taxation," which is a paraphrasing of Marx's "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
Declared a "War On Business" as shown by his legislation that pharmaceutical corporations pay high rebate fees to Medicaid and promoting the importation of foreign drugs which could include low potency or outright counterfeit drugs into the nation. The financial outlook for US pharmaceutical companies has been decimated.
Placed nearly two thirds of a trillion dollars into a health reform reserve fund, which is the tip of the iceberg in the expectations of the cost of fully socialized medicine in America. USA Today has stated that every household in the United States would be on the hook for over half a million dollars.
All of these policies represent time-honored Communist policies specifically designed to devastate the free market economy as well as impoverish and punish the upper and middle classes leading to their elimination so that the Communist "Dictatorship Of The Proletariat" can be introduced. It is important to note that in each and every historical instance Communism has been introduced into democratic countries and they were all swiftly changed to totalitarian dictatorships of a single leader benefiting from a "Cult Of Personality."
Policies virtually identical to these were implemented by:
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in 1917 RussiaJosip Broz Tito in 1945 YugoslaviaMao Zedong (Tse-tung) in 1949 ChinaFidel Castro in 1959 CubaHugo Chavez in 1999 Venezuela
and now they are being implemented by
Barack Hussein Obama in 2009 United States of America.
That is why has called Obama a "Manchurian Candidate" set to destroy the US economy once electedWOW! and to think this man was voted in by the people he is going to bury.........................US