Monday, November 18, 2013

                                         WHAT DOES MY COUNTRY OWE ME?

   Today when I look around I see so many people with the idea in their heads that their country owes them something.....Lets go back to the basics, lets go back to the founding father and see just what is owed by this country to it's CITIZENS.
   To come to the new world was an opportunity, an opportunity to WORK hard and make a living out from under TYRANNY....There was no welfare, there was no unemployment, there was NOTHING but the sweat off your brow and the muscles in your back, Those things were guaranteed.
   When the declaration of INDEPENDENCE (free from oppressive government) was written until to-day our rights have been SPELLED OUT...In order to make some of the points clearer there was written and ratified a BILL of rights as well as a GOVERNMENT constitution ALL of which spelled out our rights. There was no welfare included in those documents, there was no unemployment, nor Medicaid or ANYTHING ELSES that was socialist in theory. Just a right to work hard be free and get ahead if you could, you were expected to take care of your own and do for yourself...This country also was based on CAPITALISM and by the very nature of capitalism some will be enriched and some will fail but the opportunity is there for all. Capitalism also allows for the control of the markets unless interfered with by government(which we have done to a large degree).
     The government has no business telling me what to buy, It has no business telling others what they can sell nor how to sell it and market it, In fact the government has no business in MY business unless the business I am conducting is ILLEGAL...
      This country was founded on the principal of FREEDOM AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, which seems to be in less demand to-day that it was in 1776.  We have fought wars for freedom and to end TYRANNY and oppression yet here we are to-day allowing the very things we fought against to infiltrate and take over our country.
      Plainly put I see it like this, You do not have the right to welfare(welfare is only to help those in need and should ONLY be for a short time) You do NOT have the right to unemployment, if you lose your job go somewhere else and work, can't find work then either MOVE or get more training.
    It should be your responsibility as a family to take care of your elderly that said however Medicare should be CLOSELY monitored and Medicaid non-existent....YES let the poor fall back on a private donor or short term assistance.
This country owes no body ANYTHING except the right to work and attempt to get ahead and ENJOY their life......The rest is up to you.....Of course you can bring in socialism and let the government control every aspect of you lives but history has PROVEN that will turn to COMMUNISM and some of the people WILL REVOLT---------AGAIN.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

  Yes Cancer, that horrifying heart stopping word. So it should be, however it is not necessarily the end of life. Quite the contrary it may well be the beginning of renewed life in that like myself one gets up and gets going. I always did go but now I go even harder. I am wandering a little so lets go back to the beginning.
   In approx. 2011 I had a lesion on my neck that was bothering me so I went to the Dr. He looked at it and diagnosed it as "Basil Carcinoma" which is just basic skin cancer, EASILY taken care of. How ever he spotted some dark spots that bothered him(not me as I didn't even feel them) he did a biopsy on these and sure enough they were MELANOMA's Now we are talking a more serious type of cancer, These must be surgically removed as they can metastasize into other cancers in different parts of the body...Still these are relatively easy to remove, I had four removed and that was that. NOW comes the next phase.
I had a PSA(Prostate specific antigen)test that came back a little high,6.5 Now in it self that is no big thing, according to the doctor it most likely was an infection called prostatitis. There are some studies that say PSA scores are useless HOWEVER keep reading and you will se that was NOT true in my case.  This PSA thing went on for a year up and down getting as high as 13 and back to 6 but never where it belongs,2 or less. I finally insisted on seeing a urologist (now VA which was my primary care medical coverage) does NOT like to refer to outpatient clinics so they had me wait until they had a Urologist available to see me (three months) This Doctor determined an ultra sound was necessary. Then came the sorta bad news, She informed me that my prostate LOOKED like it could be cancerous so she was scheduling a biopsy...WONDERFUL! now comes the shock, I walked away in a daze, I didn't know what to say and even more important I didn't know what to do. I decided to wait and see, after all there could be a mistake.  Well the Biopsy showed there was no mistake, The prostate gland was 70% cancerous and MUST be removed...Now comes the decision, I also have congestive heart failure and in any surgery there is swelling and fluid retention(EDEMA) it was decided I probably would survive the surgery(removing the prostate) but not the edema, therefore I was being referred to the SLETTEN CANCER INSTITUTE.
Now this was both interesting and scary as I did not think that radiation was really an answer. but I went anyway(didn't really have a choice)
Slettens did a work up coordinated chemical treatments with the VA after which they performed nine weeks of what is called narrow beam radiation. This is a space age technology that utilizes a narrow particle beam that is shot to nine different spots on the prostate. TOTALLY PAINLESS I would go in for treatment and literally go snowmobiling as soon as I got out of the office.  This took 20 minutes a day five days a week(I was moderate risk) then all treatment stopped. I have had three PSA tests to date and so far I am cancer free.
Point is (rather long winded) Cancer is NOT the end, it started me walking three miles a day(which I do still) it started me paying attention to my body and it was defeatable.
Those of you that read this I give you this advice, If you have consistently high PSA scores DEMAND an ultrasound or a biopsy. If you are found to be positive for cancer then ASK about treatments available. I have a friend that had his surgically removed and it took a couple of months, a painful catheter and rehabilitation NOT FUN...If radiation is available such as narrow beam radiation Like I received from Slettens Cancer institute THAT is the way to go. Side effects?   tiredness which I overcame by pushing harder when walking and energy drinks.
Prostate cancer is no fun BUT it is not the end  either....Today so far so good. Those of you reading this and think you may have a problem, GET IT CHECKED before it is too late.
Good luck.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The lawlessness of Obama and the left.

The lawless Obama administration is brazenly endangering the country to prove a political point.
Because the word “sequester” sounds more like a bronchial infection than a governmental disaster, President Obama failed to terrorize House Republicans into raising taxes in order to avoid it.
They tried everything they could think of to scare us. We’d have meat shortages because federal inspectors would be laid off, long lines at airport security stations would get longer because the TSA molesters would be cut back. Education Secretary Arne Duncan earned four “Pinocchios” from the Washington Post’s Fact Checker column for brazenly lying about teachers he said were already being laid off in West Virginia.
Duncan, for all his faults, is relatively harmless. The same cannot be said about Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, whose department has begun releasing criminal illegal aliens — which for this discussion is not redundant — from the jails where they were being held pending deportation. Even before Friday, when the $85 billion in cuts took effect, Napolitano’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement began releasing criminal illegal aliens among the public.
It’s the Obama administration’s “sequester amnesty,” which endangers the public to make a political point.
Pinal County, Arizona, is about seventy miles from the Mexican border. It’s larger than Connecticut, running south and east from the city of Mesa. Its sheriff, Paul Babeu, is a tough guy in a very tough place. And both his job and his county are made a lot tougher by ICE’s release of an unknown number of these criminal illegals, people who were held pending deportation because their criminal records made them “inadmissible” into the United States.
Arizona is high on Obama’s list of enemies. It’s the state Obama’s Justice Department sued to set aside the state law that enables the arrest and detention of illegal aliens. The Supreme Court struck down part of the law, but left in place the part that allows state law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of people they’ve stopped for other reasons.
Obama’s position is that federal law preempts any state law to control illegal immigration and any state action for which the state lacks federal permission is impermissible.
Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Arizona, is trying to deal with that one-way street. I interviewed him on the Roger Hedgecock radio show last Thursday. What Sheriff Babeu told me is shocking. It confirms that our government is now willing to endanger public safety to prove a political point.
In December 2012, Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency had more than 33,000 illegal aliens in custody pending deportation. These aren’t people who were arrested just because they were illegal aliens. They are criminals, held by ICE because they were convicted of separate crimes, usually serious felonies, and held after they’d served their sentences until they could be deported. Others have long criminal records in their own countries who came here to do more of what they did at home.
Federal law allows these people to be held for up to six months pending deportation. Some, from nations such as Pakistan, are held for that long — and should be held longer - because their country of origin won’t issue travel documents enabling their return. The non-cooperating nations are content to leave their problems with us, be they terrorists or drug traffickers.
The federal government says there are 11 to 12 million illegals in the United States. Sheriff Babeu told me that 300-500 of the 34,000 criminal illegals held in pre-deportation detention were released into his county two weekends ago.
Janet Napolitano said that ICE won’t be able to maintain 34,000 criminal illegals in custody — not because of legal limitations on incarceration, but because of the sequester. In a statement to the press last week, she said, “Look, we’re doing our very best to minimize the impacts of sequester. But there’s only so much I can do,” Napolitano said. “I’m supposed to have 34,000 detention beds for immigration. How do I pay for those? We want to maintain 22,000-some odd Border Patrol agents. I got to be able to pay their salaries.”
Babeu told me that neither he nor the county’s police chiefs were given notice of the release. “The doors swung open and there they go,” he said.
I asked Babeu if he even knew who these people were. He said that he’s asked for that information numerous times, including by letter, and ICE has refused to tell him. “These people were released into the community. We don’t know their names, we don’t know what charges they were held on or their criminal history.” He added, “But we do know this: this is the same group that Janet Napolitano and Barack Obama have all agreed that these are the worst of the illegals.”
ICE is saying that some of these illegals were released on terms that supposedly provide some supervision. Sheriff Babeu is, to say the least, skeptical
“They’re saying that they’re going to put them on supervised release, meaning some of them wear an ankle bracelet or they have to check in with authorities. Are you kidding me? These people have broken the law countless times and now they’ve got their chance. They’re out of prison.”
He added, “There’s no incentive for them to report in because what’s the worst thing we can do to them? Deport them?”
Sheriff Babeu apparently learned from ICE and Border Patrol agents who called him unofficially. He said, “Good people who work for ICE, work for Border Patrol, they call me all the time.…They said, ‘Sheriff, help us. We’re releasing all these criminals. This order just came down from Washington and now they’re all out in the streets.”
Which streets? It’s improbable that Pinal County is the only place where criminal illegals are being set free. He’s asked about that, too, and the federal bureaucrats won’t tell him.
So we don’t know how many criminal illegal aliens — criminals because they’ve committed serious crimes other than illegally entering the United States — are being set free around the country. According to an Associated Press report, Homeland Security has released over 2,000 of these dangerous illegals since February. Of the 34,000 held by ICE in December, how many more will be turned loose to endanger the American people, because the Obama regime wants to punish us for the sequestration of $85 billion out of the nearly $4 trillion the government will spend this year?
The release of criminal illegal aliens is probably illegal itself. Under our muddled immigration law, Napolitano has the authority to release illegal aliens individually when her department determines that they pose no danger to public safety. But mass releases, such as the one into Pinal County, are beyond her power.
The only answer to this is for Sheriff Babeu — perhaps joined by other concerned law enforcement officers around the country — to sue Napolitano to stop the releases. That lawsuit would reveal who the illegals are, what crimes they’ve committed before, and just who within ICE, the Justice Department, Homeland Security, or possibly the White House ordered the releases.
Congress won’t find the answers to these questions no matter how hard it tries. The House subpoena on “Fast and Furious” was blocked by Obama’s claim of executive privilege when Congress held Attorney General Holder in contempt. The Benghazi investigation is still incomplete, the survivors of the terrorist attack on our diplomatic outpost held — or, more technically, sequestered — out of congressional investigators’ reach.
The only answer is “sue the bastards.” Get a federal judge to issue an injunction against further releases and to compel answers to Babeu’s questions. He, and the rest of the law enforcement community, are entitled to know who was released, what crimes they had committed before, and where these people were when last seen. They have to know these things if they’re going to do their duty to protect their communities.
Gene Sperling, Obama’s top economic adviser, was wandering around the Sunday talk shows blaming Republicans for the sequester. He said Republicans are to blame for all the harm that results from the sequester. After Napolitano’s release of criminals from ICE incarceration, that’s a bolder lie than Arne Duncan’s.
We are living in an era of government lawlessness that is unprecedented in our history. Obama and his minions will do whatever they like, whenever they can, to make political points. In this case, only the courts can stop them.

Apparently we the people have no voice any longer as the left has corrupted the voting process and fights against repairing it. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Obama fiddled

This fellow has the correct view of what is happening in our country and to our government to day. I personally agree with him and see no way to stop the decline. It is said that everything changes through out the ages and time, perhaps that MUST be so with man and his government, or governments. Through out time man has gone through basically the same governments over and over yet NONE prevail and are enduring. Perhaps the Roman government lasted the longest. All governments seem to head for destruction as soon as they are formed and they all show the SAME characteristics in going to their demise. This found in the American Spectator- Enjoy?--          
It took Rome a lot longer.
“….the Roman government appeared everyday less formidable to its enemies, more odious and oppressive to its subjects. The taxes were multiplied with the public distress; economy was neglected in proportion as it became necessary…. (sound familiar?)If all the barbarian conquerors had been annihilated in the same hour, their total destruction would not have restored the empire of the West: and if Rome still survived, she survived the loss of freedom, of virtue, and of honour.”Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
In New York City and Philadelphia “flashmobs” rob and vandalize newsstands and stores. This is a national phenomenon. In Chicago, the police department now won’t immediately respond to 911 calls if they involve post-burglaries, petty, or non-violent crimes. They’re too busy dealing with the daily carnage that is the nation’s highest murder rate, one that bested the number of military fatalities recorded in Afghanistan in 2012. When crazy people shoot up movie theaters and elementary school classrooms, we’re told it’s the gun’s fault. On a lighter note, the Wall Street Journal recently informed us that the demands of hip-hop fashion dictates that boys insist — despite the protestations of Mom, Dad, and school administrators — on wearing shorts to school in bitter winter weather. The girls prefer flip flops as their toes turn blue while waiting for the school bus. “Things fall apart; The centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world” (William Butler Yeats).
The schools are an administrative and intellectual wreck, and kids not knowing how to even dress themselves is a good metaphor for their current state. Those students, especially those of college age, are subject to that ironclad liberal orthodoxy of cultural Marxism commonly called political correctness, with resulting hate speech codes, the gist of which is that the kids are taught to despise America’s institutions, civic traditions, and the very constitutional sinews of free speech and opinion. Anyway, the latter is a moot point: because they learn so little history, soon their ignorance of the important aspects of the American experience will be total. College campuses are hideous islands of totalitarianism on a national landscape that is more and more reflecting their toxic example. “The best lack all conviction, while the worst/Are full of passionate intensity” (Yeats again).
We’re obsessed with protecting women from “domestic violence.” The U.S. Senate has passed the “Violence Against Women Act” and sent it to the House of Representatives. The media bludgeons us with related stories, and multiple government programs function to assist such unfortunate souls. This is driven by modern feminism, which also favors women serving on the frontlines in the boiling cauldron of war, where, according to a feature story in Rolling Stone magazine lately, the military suffers a raging epidemic of sexual assault. “We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men” (George Orwell).
The U.S. Post Office recently announced that it is abolishing first class delivery on Saturdays beginning in August. The USPO seems to be taking a cue from the newspaper and network news business model of telling the public that it is essential to the public good, while at the same time skipping publication days, cutting back on home delivery, and shrinking its staffs as circulation, ad revenues, and ratings sink. A digitally-distracted America less and less buys the product (from both post office and media), especially the kids (see schools exegesis above). And the media-driven Obama cult-of-personality doesn’t sit well with half the body politic. Of course, the emperor’s cheerleader-eunuchs in the nation’s newsrooms don’t see it that way; marketing has never been a journalistic forte. Well, as for the post office, it won’t be losing our mail on Saturdays.
No matter. Cursive writing is leaving the classroom and those kids in short pants won’t be sending handwritten love letters to their “partners” and “significant androgynous others,” etc., anyway. If they do they’ll have to hire the equivalent of literate medieval monks to do it. Orwell wrote 65 years ago that “Our civilization is decadent and our language — so the argument runs — must inevitably share in the general collapse.” What would he think today? As usual, Rome is the primary example. It progressed from Virgil, Horace, and Cicero to — over 300 years later — a very minor poet named Ausonius (the Richard Blanco of Late Antiquity), illiterate barbarian emperors and, well, darkness. Ask Ed Gibbon.
And, of course, literary culture erodes. Most new works of “literary fiction” aren’t worth reading because they are written by academics for academics. Most contemporary poetry is unfathomable or juvenile in its design. E.L. James’ wildly popular Fifty Shades of Grey series main motif is sadomasochism. And Philip Roth has “retired” after six decades of writing. Imagine that. Maybe our most respected living writer — albeit one pushing 80 — has turned his back on his work. Maybe he has nothing more to say. He once famously said that as a novelist his imagination couldn’t compete with the strange world he encountered on the front page of his daily New York Times, and that was long before the Times became the official newsletter of the Democratic Party. Hemingway blew his brains out. Roth, lacking Papa’s late-stage mental deterioration, is sanely content to watch the New York Mets, read, play with his new iPhone, and entertain friends. Good for him. Legions of readers who enjoyed his work wish him well, and he’ll be reread. But he is among the last of American writers who came of age and began their careers in the mid-20th century, a simpler time full of promise, and rewards for serious work.
H.L. Mencken said: “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.” The 2012 Election makes the Sage of Baltimore’s quip ring true. All the bizarre political, sociological and economic theories that we have heard from the left for years are now being put into practice (in fact, President Obama showcased it in his Second Inaugural and State of the Union speeches). The result is a germinating dystopia sprouting from an executive branch contemptuous of the legislative and judicial branches of national government. Barack Obama is the embodiment of a country in willful decline in both domestic and foreign affairs, and he seems to relish his role. The president is a political Dr. Jack Kevorkian assisting our slow, national suicide.
Maybe some future Gibbon will contemplate the wreckage

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The FEAR and the ARROGANCE of the liberal left.

How dare anyone disagree with Obama?
Liberals continue their hysteria over remarks made by Dr. Ben Carson at the National Prayer Breakfast last week. Carson, a prominent pediatric surgeon from Johns Hopkins University, dared to weigh in on healthcare — something he knows something about, and certainly knows better than Barack Obama. In the liberal mind, Carson committed a grave transgression; he had dared to disagree with Obama, and in Obama’s presence.
In a discussion of Carson’s moral effrontery, Candy Crowley, host of CNN’s State of the Union, asked her panelists whether they were offended by Carson’s comments. “He [Carson] was talking about the idea of, you know, weaving the Bible into some objections he appears to have with the president’s approach,” said Crowley, as if the president would never likewise do anything so outrageous. Count Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky among the offended. She told Crowley: “I think it’s… not really an appropriate place to make this kind of political speech and to invoke God as his [Carson’s] support for that kind of point of view.”
In truth, what the likes of Crowley and Schakowsky object to is the mere fact that someone publicly disagreed with Obama on healthcare, and especially in the context of faith. This was sheer blasphemy. For liberal Democrats, conservative Republicans are never permitted to use their faith to disagree; no, only liberal Democrats enjoy such freedoms. I could give a thousand examples illustrating the point; I’ve written entire books doing so. For now, however, here are some particularly salient examples involving Obama, liberals, and healthcare reform:
From the very first year of Obama’s presidency, the Religious Left (Obama included) incessantly claimed God’s support for their vision of healthcare reform. This was no surprise whatsoever, just as it was no surprise that the liberal press was not only not outraged but silently supportive. There was nary a whimper of protest from liberal journalists, let alone their usual howls (when a Republican cites his faith) of “separation of church and state!”
For instance, in August 2009, Obama addressed a “virtual gathering” of 140,000 Religious Left individuals. It was a huge conference call to liberal Christians, Jews, and other people of faith. Obama told them that he was “going to need your help” in passing healthcare reform. Christ-like, Obama penitently invoked a period of “40 Days,” a trial of deliverance from conservative evildoers. He lifted up the brethren, assuring them, “We are God’s partner in matters of life and death.”
Like a great commissioning, in the 40 Days that followed the Religious Left was filled with the spirit, confidently spreading the word, pushing for — among other things — abortion funding as part of an eternally widening “social justice” agenda. A group called the Religious Institute, which represented 4,800 clergy, urged Congress to include abortion funding in “healthcare” reform. To not help poor women secure their reproductive rights was unjust, declared the progressive pastors. As the Rev. Debra Hafner, executive director of the Religious Institute, complained, federal policy already “unfairly prevents low-income women and federal employees from receiving subsidized” abortions.
Here we see the Religious Left’s continued perversion of “social justice.” Behold: social justice abortions.
Other Religious Left faithful joined Obama’s crusade.
A group of 59 leftist nuns sent Congress a letter urging passage of Obamacare. This was in direct defiance of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which insisted the bill “must be opposed” because of its refusal to explicitly ban abortion funding. The liberal media cheered on the nuns, gleefully exaggerating the sisters’ influence. In a breathtaking display, the Los Angeles Times beamed, “Nuns’ support for health-care bill shows [Catholic] Church split.” Amazingly, the Times reported that the nuns’ letter represented not 59 nuns but 59,000. Like Jesus with the loaves, the Times (normally militantly secular) had demonstrated miraculous powers of multiplication. Hey, anything for Obama.
The nuns’ brazenness was matched by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a Roman Catholic, who, in March 2010, invoked the Solemnity of the Feast of St. Joseph on behalf of Obamacare. She urged American Catholics to “pray to St. Joseph” — earthly guardian of the unborn son of God.
All of that was prelude to what happened the evening of March 21, 2010, A.D., with a rare vote not merely on a Sunday — God’s day — but the final Sunday in Lent, the week before Palm Sunday that initiates the Lord’s Passion. Obama’s healthcare bill was passed by his Democratic Congress. To Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and the Religious Left faithful, Jesus had gotten his healthcare package, and they had been his faithful handmaidens.
Amid that process, secular liberals in the press suddenly got religion — modern-day Sauls on the road to Damascus. Their political soul mates in the Democratic Party had spearheaded this “change” in the name of Jesus Christ, and liberal journalists found themselves moved to tears at the inspiring display. It was a rather radical departure from the eight years they had just spent scourging George W. Bush every time he merely confessed that he prayed. At long last, there was room for Jesus in the inn, so long as the Savior stood in “support” of the Democrats’ “progressive” agenda.
If all of that seems hypocritical enough from liberals, in light of their castigation of Dr. Ben Carson, consider this final glaring double standard:
The coup de grĂ¢ce from Obama came in no less than the National Prayer Breakfast two years ago, February 3, 2011. Obama stated: “But sometimes what I can do to try to improve the economy or to curb foreclosures or to help deal with the healthcare system — sometimes it seems so distant and so remote, so profoundly inadequate to the enormity of the need. And it is my faith, then, that biblical injunction to serve the least of these, that keeps me going and that keeps me from being overwhelmed.”
Yes, Barack Obama, at the National Prayer Breakfast, had invoked his faith and the Bible on behalf of healthcare reform — much like he has done on behalf of gay marriage and a litany of other liberal agenda items.
Question for Ms. Crowley and Rep. Schakowsky and liberals everywhere: Was this appropriate? Are you offended? No, of course, you aren’t.
But now, ladies and gentlemen, here comes a heretic, one Ben Carson, pediatric surgeon, and a vile sinner. He disagreed with Obama and the mass of liberal faithful. He did so on the issue of healthcare, at a prayer breakfast. His price: political excommunication and denunciation. In Alinsky fashion, he must now be isolated and demonized. The Religious Left grabs its stones to cast them at the good doctor.
How dare Ben Carson mention healthcare at the National Prayer Breakfast! How dare he disagree with Obama!

Friday, February 8, 2013

HJ15 in its present form

This is no joke. Obama and his minions are finding a way to keep him in power for a very long time. Obama being the narcisist he is is certainly attempting to find a way to stay in power and eventually work his way in as a dictator...Read this it is real and no joke.

H.J.Res. 15: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby ...

...removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.
113th Congress, 2013–2015. Text as of Jan 04, 2013 (Introduced).
Status & Summary | PDF | Source: GPO
HJ 15 IH
1st Session
H. J. RES. 15
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.

January 4, 2013

Mr. SERRANO introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President.
    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification:


‘The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.’

Thursday, February 7, 2013

After a long hiatus from writing I am BACK. No, not like in " The shinning" (well maybe for some) but Back and once again telling it like I see it.
Many things I have said were going to happen with this administration have indeed happened, many things are yet to come. does that make me a seer or some kind of great guesser? Not really. It is relatively easy to see the course of events when you have a map like history to guide you. Obama is NOT the first Narcissistic person to come to power( I believe most of the people in power must be narcissistic to a certain degree) Nor will he be the last. Obama is following a predictable path towards European style socialism. In order to do that he MUST remake the United States and re educate the populace to believe in himself and socialism. This is happening this very moment even as I write. 
 Obama has very little regard for the constitution and firmly believes it is need of a major re-vision. He and many in his party feel the Constitution is a living thing and MUST be updated from time to time. Well folks that is what AMENDMENTS are for. Obama instead just IGNORES what parts of the constitution he wants and produces EXECUTIVE orders when ever he thinks he can get away with it. We must remember this administration is very adept at diverting attention away from what is going on and what he is attempting to do.
 The previous post is ONE of the things and probably the most telling and dangerous this administration is attempting...
Continue to read as I will keep posting. Comment are indeed welcome
Thanks, Glenn Heryford  AKA-rocco0607

As I see it

Thursday, February 7, 2013

   Apparently the very thing I said was going to happen( I said this three years ago) in now on its way to becoming a reality.  I stated Obama was a narcissist that would NOT be happy with one or two terms, That he would find a way to have a third term and fourth and so on until HE was tired of his tyrannical dictatorship.
Well folks here it comes in the form of H.J. 15
Read this.

           If this were to happen We can kiss the U.S. of A good bye. Infact I think we ALREADY can. We no longer produce much of anything, we have millions of people on the dole because we have driven most of our industry out of the country because of super expensive labor(unions) and corporate taxes as well as out of control greenies and EPA.
Obama is all for this and MORE. He follows the Cloward-Piven strategy to the letter(he studied that  in college when he was studying Marxism. The Cloward -Piven strategy CLEARLY shows how to destroy the American economy. Obama is well on his way to becoming the FIRST dictator of the U.S