Thursday, February 7, 2013

After a long hiatus from writing I am BACK. No, not like in " The shinning" (well maybe for some) but Back and once again telling it like I see it.
Many things I have said were going to happen with this administration have indeed happened, many things are yet to come. does that make me a seer or some kind of great guesser? Not really. It is relatively easy to see the course of events when you have a map like history to guide you. Obama is NOT the first Narcissistic person to come to power( I believe most of the people in power must be narcissistic to a certain degree) Nor will he be the last. Obama is following a predictable path towards European style socialism. In order to do that he MUST remake the United States and re educate the populace to believe in himself and socialism. This is happening this very moment even as I write. 
 Obama has very little regard for the constitution and firmly believes it is need of a major re-vision. He and many in his party feel the Constitution is a living thing and MUST be updated from time to time. Well folks that is what AMENDMENTS are for. Obama instead just IGNORES what parts of the constitution he wants and produces EXECUTIVE orders when ever he thinks he can get away with it. We must remember this administration is very adept at diverting attention away from what is going on and what he is attempting to do.
 The previous post is ONE of the things and probably the most telling and dangerous this administration is attempting...
Continue to read as I will keep posting. Comment are indeed welcome
Thanks, Glenn Heryford  AKA-rocco0607


  1. Glenn, remember when folks used to call a few of us all kinds of names years ago for seeing the future with The Kenyan in office?? You and I did not always agree on everything, but then if we had it would not have been educational, nor fun.

  2. Glad to see you back. It’s been quite a fight on the old site where I’m still trying to fight obama with his so called friends there. I’m not about to give up the tribune to that POS without a fight. There is a lawyer and an ex CID (supposedly) clown doing their damndest to shout me down, but I’m a bone head. Gonna take more than them to shut me up. They got me, as Gordon2, thrown off, so I had to log in as John Keeland. Oh well, most of those I care about know who I am.

    Hope things are going well with you and you can get things riled up here to shoot down the dog eater.

  3. Hey guys this is a blog I started when I saw thing going south with the trib but I burned out for awhile. I just cannot stand by and let things continue any longer. I am trying to link this with facebook and it is already linked with google and governmentrunblogs(whatever that means) You know me, I am hard headed and I believe in our country and our founding fathers ideas of freedom and personal responsibility.
    Here is to further cuss and discussions.

  4. Gordon, look how many times I was kicked off by that left wing rag. I was also the puchai that occasionally commented on there as well.
    I wouldn't have stopped commenting on the forums if the paper hadn't made us subscribe in order to comment. Even then I would have subscribed if the paper was even a little bit toward the center and would report the news and NOT just publish propaganda.

  5. Hey, I responded to this but it ended up as a comment on your May, 2009 post... I was going to cut and paste it from there to here but yah tah hey...

    Good post bro.

    1. Thanks, I am working on trying to get this out more in the public so we'll see what happens.

    2. For what it's worth I've linked it to mine.

    3. Here's that comment I posted in the wrong spot...

      That would be the worst thing our guv'ment could do... a third term would be an open door to tyranny.

      The friggin' libs around here are thicker than flies and their ilk is growing by the day. It's pathetic.

      As an aside, I just read a lengthy article that's pretty much established all illegal aliens will be written a free pass and wholly supported by a "compassionate" existing population already rooted in our USA. I'm thinking I need to search deeper for more options before my back is pushed into a corner. If all else fails Canada's looking better every day.


      Great digs here bro! Good job!

