Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cities and states with the red flag law,

 Once there was a science fiction movie that now seems to strike home. It was a movie about the thought police. In this movie the please have the ability to read the thoughts of somebody planning to do something bad or thinking about doing something bad or just talking about doing something that and arrest them not for committing the crime, but for thinking about committing the crime. Today we have thrown out the First Amendment as we are throwing out the Second Amendment we have curtailed freedom of speech to a point where it is almost laughable if it wasn't so damaging and we've added so many restrictions to the Second Amendment that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed means nothing anymore the Constitution didn't say the right to keep and bear arms except for it just said the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed PERIOD.  Now we have the red flag law, if you wrote something on Facebook(which so many people right on even as it making notes to himself) or if you happen to say something to somebody in anger or even agree with something said for instance saying I agree with you if ANTIFA starts killing people then we should kill him, all of these things will have the FBI or the local police knocking on your door confiscating your guns and arresting you. I guess my question is what for? Have you committed a crime? Unless you can't speak anymore out of anger resentment or disappointment unless you no longer have freedom of speech then I guess you have committed a crime apparently that is what is happening today.
The anti-American socialist Democrat has wanted to disarm the American population for many generations every year they keep chipping away at our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Prior to 1986 it was not illegal or convicted felons to have firearms and yet there were less shootings and killings then, then there are now. Yet when this law was passed everybody felt good especially Democrats they claimed they had saved the country only good guys would have guns. Then came the Brady Law requiring background checks for all people wanting to purchase a gun at first it was only handguns and then it became rifles and then that included shotguns later. Once again the socialist Democrats rejoiced for once again they had saved the country and the bad guys. Then came Columbine, a mass shooting at school by depraved students who had not been taught right from wrong, self-respect, respect for others amongst other things. What was the answer from the socialist Democrats let's ban semi automatic weapons. Let's ban all assault rifles and semi automatic's let's ban high-capacity magazines. Once again they rejoiced for once again they had saved the country, over a ten-year period studies showed that man did absolutely nothing to prevent any violence, the study showed that the violence continued at the same pace. All we have heard for the last two decades is ban assault rifles(most people have no idea what an assault rifle is unless he been in combat) I've heard people claim many of the mass killings were done with automatic weapons, truth is most people have no clue how to use an automatic weapon. It's not as simple as one would think. Back to the subject at hand all of these laws all of the bands everything has done nothing to prevent the violence obviously than it is not the weapon, it's not the magazine or its size, it's not even whether it somewhere auto or full auto that is the problem. The socialist Democrats want to disarm this country and they will do anything in their power to do so. Had they really wanted to fix the problem we would be looking at the home life of our children, teaching them right from wrong, teaching them respect for others, teaching them to respect themselves, and above all teaching them to revere life not hate it. There is the answer to our gun violence but the socialist Democrats don't want that.
There has always been evil in the world and we will never be rid of it. All we can do is fight evil. One way of fighting it is to bring up our children properly. Whether with Spears or Bows and arrows, knives, axes or clubs, or firearms, or bombs or nuclear man has found a way to kill other men and to kill others even in his own community. Those are the evil of the world and in our country and there is not much we can do with them except fight back but they are not the ones murdering our children they are not the ones performing the mass murders of schools. Those of you reading this know I speak truth.
Red flag law is but a blatant violation of our freedoms our Constitution the First Amendment and the Second Amendment red flag law could very well be the tipping point in the beginning of another Civil War. We have already seen police trying to do their duty and people start mobbing them throwing things at them basically obstructing them. What is going to happen in the police enforce red flag law and the man fights back or the woman and his friends or fellow countrymen join him? What is going to happen in the please go to enforce a red flag complaint like they did against this Marine the other day and they find themselves flanked on both sides by armed citizens saying no?     What is going to happen next?

It was said the seeds of freedom must be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots I'm not quite sure how the saying went and I believe it was Jefferson said that, however it is very obvious clouds are indeed gathering.

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