There is a fraud being perpetuated that has sucked in the entire world. Billions of dollars have been spent on it, billions more yet to be spent. People are making and basing entire careers off of this fraud. There are billions in donations, and billions available in grants. It would appear if you cannot win the presidency then become chicken Little and start hollering "the sky is falling "
yes folks I am talking about global warming and our old pal Al Gore. House sits back and smiles as the money rolls in. All he has to do is shake the tree once in awhile, scream about gloom and doom, make a few speeches, attended few rallies and collect the money. The scientific community refutes the claim of global warming caused by man. Of course the globe is warming and thank God it is or most of us would be living under anywhere from an eighth two a half a mile of ice but it is not man-made. Now let's think about this a minute, from everything I've heard one of the biggest problems is a carbon dioxide given off when fossil fuels are burned. Al Gore and the rest of his global warming henchmen claim we must cut this down. I really have to ask why because it's a well-known fact plants and trees live on carbon dioxide and trees emit oxygen, whoa, hold on here a minute we breathe oxygen and we emit carbon dioxide, holy smokes, we are killing the planet with our breath. Not to make light of this fact is this is been stated by Al Gore and the global warming doomsayers. The fact is most scientists agree the oceans have risen 8 inches in the last 200 years. Most scientists agree the ice is thicker in the north and south pole than it has ever been. We are going to have global warming there is no way around it, if not, as I stated previously we would be living underneath the ice. I have asked Mr. Gore what created the global warming or in other words what started the Globe warming up to 10,000 years ago when the Ice Age was here? I know, its just like the hogs, and the cattle, and oh yes as a recently heard on Fox news, fat people . I guess myself being overweight I contribute to the greenhouse gases,I produce more carbon dioxide with huffing and puffing and probably with more for flatulence than most other people therefore are probably need to stuff a cork in it, will look out ricochets are dangerous. Seriously the entire scientific community (with a few bought off exceptions) insists there is no man-made global warming.
Mr. walks on water president Obama is going to do all he can do to make sure the world thinks we are complying with their mandates in regard to global warming he doesn't care what it costs for fuel he doesn't really care if complying with the greenies ruins our country. That's what he wants to do anyway. Let me ask you this Mr. Al Gore how are you going to get China to comply? What are you going to do with India's cattle shoot them all and have them all made into filet mignon? What are you going to do with Russia? Why is United States have to be so guilty of global warming when the rest of the world could care less in reality. For crying out loud before they could have the Olympics in China they had to stop driving automobiles for two weeks to allow the smog to clear enough so the athletes could be seen.
Global warming? One of the greatest lies and one of the biggest frauds ever perpetuated upon mankind for the monetary gain of a few people.
Once again I tell it like it is
Friday, May 1, 2009
changing country?
It was brought to my attention today that our country is changing that I need to get involved rather than sit on the sidelines and complain. Some of you left-wing socialists really seem to believe the garbage you spew. Do you really believe a person of even moderate intelligence would listen to only one news source and not research his subject before making a decision? but then again that's what the Democrats do so that's what they believe. People like buzzpet think the sun rises and sets in MSNBC, CNN, and the Los Angeles Times. Don't you realize the truth hurts that's why you don't like it? The Rush Limbaugh's the Sean Hannity's and the Bill O'Reilly's of Fox news tell it like it is. The O'Reilly factor tells both sides and lets you decide. Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh on the other hand tell you their opinion and that's what they say up front, it is their opinion. One would have to be an idiot to follow them blindly. There are many times I feel that Sean Hannity is just stirring up BS. The same can be said for Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. However in the final analysis they are generally on track they just interject their personal feelings as they are very passionate about their subject.It seems that all the Kool-Aid drinkers like buzzpet can only harp on Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, and the media they don't like. You don't hear me harping about the media, why waste my time the media doesn't make laws,(at least they are not supposed to) so in reality the only thing we're talking about is Congress the president and the direction the country is going while being led by the president and the so-called Congress. I'm aware the past I know what happened last year I'm well aware of how we got into this mortgage problem, I have read and listen to both sides of that problem and if you've read my blogs you will know I blame both sides. Don't tell me to get off my butt and do something. I spent four years in the service of this country, one year in southeast asia, I worked all my life, paid taxes all my life, and I have voted all my life. The purpose of my blogs is because I can see the direction this country is headed the destruction that is being done to the country I served and fought for and how we have totally lost our morals, our sensibility, our patriotism and our sense of direction. I still vote and I attend tea parties and most of all I speak out against Marxism and socialism, I do not want that for my country. Perhaps buzzpet is comfortable with that, perhaps he and his ilk want a one world government as well is total government control in which case I say move to Venezuela or Russia but get out of my country that my brothers, my friends and my comrades in arms fought and died for. Our country may be changing, however I will do my best to prevent the change to a socialist country. We have too many sociallistic programs now. Perhaps other states need to be like Texas and do what they are talking about which is withdraw from the United Socialist states of America( Gee isnt Alaska thinking along those lines also?) Perhaps then the states doing so could form a true republic like we had in the beginning. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.Once again I'm telling it like it is.THE REPUBLICANS ARE THE PARTY OF NO AND THE DEMS ARE THE PARTY OF LIES
keepers of the watch
Once again I find it amazing and I shake my head in wonder, I just don't believe I live in the same world as the left-wing Kool-Aid drinking socialistic Democrats. I have found one thing that is missing from the left-wing in fact I think it's missing from most of our Congress and that one thing is call common sense.Recent history has shown George Bush based his decision to go into Iraq on information supplied to him by the CIA and FBI and the advisors of Clinton's administration. George Bush then asked permission of Congress( supplying Congress with the information given to him from the aforementioned sources.) Congress including Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrats along with the Republicans gave a majority vote approving war with Iraq. Now everybody wants to deny it, could it be because they're afraid of prosecution? It appears we have entered a new era of prosecuting the previous administration leaders for anything we disagree with.It would appear that now the far left led by Dianne Feinstein wants to go headhunting even though the president has said he will not prosecute and will not allow it Dianne Feinstein and her henchmen insist on an investigation. So be it, let them go after the truth and let the first-person questioned under oath be Nancy Pelosi. And if in fact they find Nancy Pelosi has lied, charge her with a crime, the crime of perjury (you couldn't charg her with lying to the public as she does that all the time) my point is Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid all of them were advised of the situation and what they're now calling torture and they gave their approval.George W. Bush and Dick Cheney gave the CIA authority with the knowledge of Congress to interrogate prisoners with advanced and intense interrogation methods. These methods as acknowledged by many prevented further attacks planned in California, New York and other states. These interrogation methods in all likelihood prevented many deaths as well as injuries and emotional pain. These men kept us safe from further attacks and you want to prosecute them? Why not arrest a policeman and prosecute him for shooting a robber in the act of robbing a store? Same difference. I know let's go back in charge Bill Clinton with perjury again and put him in jail in fact I'm sure if we look hard enough we could find plenty on ANY administration to bring criminal charges. What about the carpet bombing in Vietnam, indiscriminate and deadly. Many noncombatants were killed injured and maimed through carpet bombing. Better yet, let's go back to World War II when the Allies surrounded Berlin and for days indiscriminately fired every piece of artillery they had into the city to bring the German population to their knees and surrender.People, wake up war is ugly, make no mistake things must be done in war that we would never condone in peace.Now that brings up the question, what is torture? The left-wing Kool-Aid drinking socialists that would give our country away claim that waterboarding is torture. In fact there even been some that suggested in recent comments that the Japanese of World War II were tried on criminal charges of torture for waterboarding. That is so untrue it almost make me want to laugh. Those Japanese soldiers were tried for torture the main part being the breaking of bones,to tearing out fingernails with pliers the gouging out of eyes that tearing off of ears the mutilation of genitals, and many other terrible things, as well as waterboarding. The Japanese along with the Germans were the most cruel inhumane captors a soldier could have. Just look at history, look at the Bataan death March, look at the reputations of the Japanese prisoner of war camps, look at Auschwitz,Buchenwald, all of the German death camps, and look at John McCain who had almost every bone in his body broken, who has been maimed and cannot raise his arms above his shoulders. Yes John McCain thinks water boarding is torture, because he been tortured so much he doesn't want anything done to another human being that makes them uncomfortable. But comfort doesn't get answers and comfort doesn't save lives. What does Al Qaeda do our prisoners? They beat them, they break their bones, and then they publicly behead them.According to the Kool-Aid drinking left-wingers you know the wannabes socialists and one world government people if you even yell at a prisoner of war that is torture. Well I say to you people thank God we have people like Bush and Dick Cheney and God help us if people like you(buzzpet and your ilk) had been running our country on 9/11I would like to ask you Kool-Aid drinkers, you socialists, you people who apologize to the world for our country what would you have done on 9/11? I don't want to hear, I don't know but I wouldn't have done that, I want to hear WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE DONE?Also as you well know hindsight is 2020 it's easy to sit back in your chair sip your coffee and be critical especially when you have nothing at risk. And by the way where does the Constitution say anything about torture? And what are the definitions of torture(that is probably the biggest question yet to be answered) and when is torture justified? Also probably just as big as the definition of torture is what is enhanced interrogation?. We dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima it was a means to an end it was stated at that time that we saved thousands of lives by shortening the war. Where are the criminal charges for that? Please, Rosey glassed, left-wing, Kool-Aid drinking, socialists, tell us the rest of the American people if you don't like what we're doing or what we did WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Oh but wait you have told us. You want to to apologize to the world for our arrogance, you want world peace with one world order in which everybody is happy happy and gets along. You want the government control of our banking system, our health system, our schools, our industries including the automobile industry, and entitlements for all. You people want open borders were people can come and go as they want. You people want and approve of gay marriage in which the marriage between a man and a woman is no longer sacred. Oh yes let us not forget you people want the word God out of everything, off of our money out of our schools everything. It seems pretty much to me you have already done that. You socialists want to punish the rich, unionize the whole workforce of the entire United States and give everybody anything they ever wanted free. Well folks, California has already tried that to a large extent and look at the shape they're in.If we are going to start trying previous administrations for what we perceive as crimes without ever hearing all the evidence or being selective about the evidence we want to present, let's go back to Abraham Lincoln and start there.I've said it before I'll say it again, let's stop looking back start looking forward, and quit with the witchhunts. Congress on both sides needs to quit with the personal agendas and get on with the business of the country or be replaced.I'm just telling it like it is
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