Friday, May 1, 2009

changing country?

It was brought to my attention today that our country is changing that I need to get involved rather than sit on the sidelines and complain. Some of you left-wing socialists really seem to believe the garbage you spew. Do you really believe a person of even moderate intelligence would listen to only one news source and not research his subject before making a decision? but then again that's what the Democrats do so that's what they believe. People like buzzpet think the sun rises and sets in MSNBC, CNN, and the Los Angeles Times. Don't you realize the truth hurts that's why you don't like it? The Rush Limbaugh's the Sean Hannity's and the Bill O'Reilly's of Fox news tell it like it is. The O'Reilly factor tells both sides and lets you decide. Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh on the other hand tell you their opinion and that's what they say up front, it is their opinion. One would have to be an idiot to follow them blindly. There are many times I feel that Sean Hannity is just stirring up BS. The same can be said for Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. However in the final analysis they are generally on track they just interject their personal feelings as they are very passionate about their subject.It seems that all the Kool-Aid drinkers like buzzpet can only harp on Bush, Cheney, Limbaugh, and the media they don't like. You don't hear me harping about the media, why waste my time the media doesn't make laws,(at least they are not supposed to) so in reality the only thing we're talking about is Congress the president and the direction the country is going while being led by the president and the so-called Congress. I'm aware the past I know what happened last year I'm well aware of how we got into this mortgage problem, I have read and listen to both sides of that problem and if you've read my blogs you will know I blame both sides. Don't tell me to get off my butt and do something. I spent four years in the service of this country, one year in southeast asia, I worked all my life, paid taxes all my life, and I have voted all my life. The purpose of my blogs is because I can see the direction this country is headed the destruction that is being done to the country I served and fought for and how we have totally lost our morals, our sensibility, our patriotism and our sense of direction. I still vote and I attend tea parties and most of all I speak out against Marxism and socialism, I do not want that for my country. Perhaps buzzpet is comfortable with that, perhaps he and his ilk want a one world government as well is total government control in which case I say move to Venezuela or Russia but get out of my country that my brothers, my friends and my comrades in arms fought and died for. Our country may be changing, however I will do my best to prevent the change to a socialist country. We have too many sociallistic programs now. Perhaps other states need to be like Texas and do what they are talking about which is withdraw from the United Socialist states of America( Gee isnt Alaska thinking along those lines also?) Perhaps then the states doing so could form a true republic like we had in the beginning. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.Once again I'm telling it like it is.THE REPUBLICANS ARE THE PARTY OF NO AND THE DEMS ARE THE PARTY OF LIES

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