Friday, May 1, 2009

How to fool the whole world

There is a fraud being perpetuated that has sucked in the entire world. Billions of dollars have been spent on it, billions more yet to be spent. People are making and basing entire careers off of this fraud. There are billions in donations, and billions available in grants. It would appear if you cannot win the presidency then become chicken Little and start hollering "the sky is falling "
yes folks I am talking about global warming and our old pal Al Gore. House sits back and smiles as the money rolls in. All he has to do is shake the tree once in awhile, scream about gloom and doom, make a few speeches, attended few rallies and collect the money. The scientific community refutes the claim of global warming caused by man. Of course the globe is warming and thank God it is or most of us would be living under anywhere from an eighth two a half a mile of ice but it is not man-made. Now let's think about this a minute, from everything I've heard one of the biggest problems is a carbon dioxide given off when fossil fuels are burned. Al Gore and the rest of his global warming henchmen claim we must cut this down. I really have to ask why because it's a well-known fact plants and trees live on carbon dioxide and trees emit oxygen, whoa, hold on here a minute we breathe oxygen and we emit carbon dioxide, holy smokes, we are killing the planet with our breath. Not to make light of this fact is this is been stated by Al Gore and the global warming doomsayers. The fact is most scientists agree the oceans have risen 8 inches in the last 200 years. Most scientists agree the ice is thicker in the north and south pole than it has ever been. We are going to have global warming there is no way around it, if not, as I stated previously we would be living underneath the ice. I have asked Mr. Gore what created the global warming or in other words what started the Globe warming up to 10,000 years ago when the Ice Age was here? I know, its just like the hogs, and the cattle, and oh yes as a recently heard on Fox news, fat people . I guess myself being overweight I contribute to the greenhouse gases,I produce more carbon dioxide with huffing and puffing and probably with more for flatulence than most other people therefore are probably need to stuff a cork in it, will look out ricochets are dangerous. Seriously the entire scientific community (with a few bought off exceptions) insists there is no man-made global warming.
Mr. walks on water president Obama is going to do all he can do to make sure the world thinks we are complying with their mandates in regard to global warming he doesn't care what it costs for fuel he doesn't really care if complying with the greenies ruins our country. That's what he wants to do anyway. Let me ask you this Mr. Al Gore how are you going to get China to comply? What are you going to do with India's cattle shoot them all and have them all made into filet mignon? What are you going to do with Russia? Why is United States have to be so guilty of global warming when the rest of the world could care less in reality. For crying out loud before they could have the Olympics in China they had to stop driving automobiles for two weeks to allow the smog to clear enough so the athletes could be seen.
Global warming? One of the greatest lies and one of the biggest frauds ever perpetuated upon mankind for the monetary gain of a few people.
Once again I tell it like it is

1 comment:

  1. That would be the worst thing our guv'ment could do... a third term would be an open door to tyranny.

    The friggin' libs around here are thicker than flies and their ilk is growing by the day. It's pathetic.

    As an aside, I just read a lengthy article that's pretty much established all illegal aliens will be written a free pass and wholly supported by a "compassionate" existing population already rooted in our USA. I'm thinking I need to search deeper for more options before my back is pushed into a corner. If all else fails Canada's looking better every day.


    Great digs here bro! Good job!

